posted in: Simon Pooley | 0

This is a mixed media painting on 60x60cm canvas.  Recently completed it features another Monterey Pine which is becoming a regular theme in my work.  The dilapidated granite boundary is an older motif that has been in my work for … Continued

posted in: Simon Pooley | 0

The field in the foreground of this 60x60cm canvas is one that I have walked hundreds of times. It had been a daffodil field, and once its boundary had been defined by an unbroken granite hedge. With the passing of … Continued

posted in: Simon Pooley | 0

My fascination with rooks peaked at about the time of my show at Tremenhere Scultpure Gardens Gallery – – (scroll down quite a bit) in 2018. They seem to be making a come-back in this 80x80cm painting on canvas which … Continued

posted in: Simon Pooley | 0

Another new 40x40cm canvas and another Monterey Pine.  As the pines get older they lose their lower boughs, becoming more top heavy.  (Useful for a composition that needs weight at the top of the canvas!)