At last; the shortest day has come and gone. Soon be looking forward to spring (and hopefully some brighter colours.) These three new paintings may be ready to leave the studio soon. The top one is a solstice painting (on … Continued
A painting from last week, complete now, and based on one of my favourite places. St Loy’s cove is only a mile or so from my studio, down the coast path towards Land’s End. Our dog, Monty, loves to drink … Continued
The days are short now – too short. Well, it is November. This last week has been overcast for most of the time and there just hasn’t been enough light to repel S.A.D. symptoms for me. I’m trying hard … Continued
It can be very frustrating, not to say depressing, at this time of year. Daylight hours are short, and if its not cold its wet and windy. On the other hand, the skies at dusk and sunset, seen from my … Continued